Becoming flat in Guatemala
On my last night in Guatemala, Natalia, Laura, and Esteban asked if they could make their own Flat Stanley's. is the result.
Natalia is a doctor and was crossing the street while attending Harvard University and a car ran over her...making her flat.
Esteban is a Saints football player. He was walking through Price Smart (the Guatemalan Sam's Club) when, all of a sudden, one of the large boxes on the very top fell and flattened him.
Laura is a princess. There are many volcanoes around Guatemala City. The volcano erupted and a piece of volcanic rock fell on her and made her flat.
Janet (me) had just come back from the beach. We were all relaxing on the bed when Laura and Juan Luis dogpiled me. I was completely flattened.
Being flat has it's advantages. The flat people have gotten to explore a whole new world...and make new friends. Here are our new friends from Guatemala:
If you'd like to be a flat friend with us, here is a way to get started:
Let us know how you became flat and send your photo of your flat person to so we can post it along with your story. We'd love to be your friend, too!
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