Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Caring for Each Other

I must take this opportunity to brag on a few of the University of values students. Today we had two new additions to the program and two of our current students demonstrated one of the three major characteristics we have been teaching. For the past few weeks we have been covering three very important characteristics, Caring, Manners and greetings.

We all know those warm fuzzy feeling we get deep inside ourselves when someone steps outside the box to make us feel like we are apart of something. Today I saw two of my students step out of their way to welcome people into our program. This morning Darahjanee came to me and told me that she had taught our new student how we greet in our program she then proceeded to ask me if she could show her around the program. Of course I couldn't refuse! It is awesome to see Darahjanee step into a leadership role to help others. I must admit I felt like a proud mama.

Another child that stepped up to the "caring plate" was Kwame. Today Kwame showed me caring by helping me color pictures for our ocean shadow box. We had a great talk about his favorite teacher and subject. Soon, we were joined by a few of the other children. Kwame was more than willing to share our special time with the other children, he even helped many of the younger children get coloring sheets and crayons. But the one thing that truly blew me away was when a new student Tarion came to join our group. Kwame. in a very polite tone, asked, "Will you please tell me your name?" when she responded Kwame made awesome eye contact and replied, "Thank you. It's very nice to meet you." It was such a grown up conversation that Kwame initiated himself without being prompted.

Last week we made a "caring robot" which after much deliberation Hayzul named "
Nikki." Nikki is a very hungry robot who loves to eat lightbulbs. Now these lightbulbs aren't just any lightbulbs. On each bulb there is a place for a name and description. This gives children the opportunity to observe each other and look for situations in which they demonstrate caring, manner and greetings. The children love to write positive words and feed them to Nikki.

I am so proud of each and every one of our kids but special shines to Kwame and Darahjanee for the day. Keep up the good work!!


Janet Morrison-Lane

Awesome! Way to go Darahjanee and Kwame! I love that both of you showed such leadership! Keep it up!